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July 27, 2024

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Swain County Schools ICARES Grant

Swain County Schools was awarded $350,000 in ICARES grant funding by the North Carolina State Board of Education on December 3, 2020. ICARES – Innovative Childcare and Remote Extended Support – funds are part of federal CARES Act funding, and are intended to provide additional instructional support on remote learning days to at-risk children of essential workers; enhance afterschool programming, including adding two pre-kindergarten afterschool classrooms; and help to alleviate learning losses due to COVID-19 school closures. Swain County Schools was able to provide afterschool support for many years through the 21st Century Grant program. The school system was not selected to continue receiving this the 21st Century Grant at the end of the 2019-2020 school year. The awarding of the iCares grant will allow the school system to resume these services not only after school but also on remote learning days. The program funding is for use in 2021. Swain County Schools will be partnering with Head Start and Swain County Administration to implement these opportunities.

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