February 14th, 2025
Lowback Piano with Stool. : 342-8987
Looking For:
205 75 14 Trailer Tires OR 208 75 15 Trailer Tires WITH Rims. 1967-1972 Chevy Fleetside. Excavator. : 342-8987
For Sale:
Generators: Predator 6500 Watt used less than 20 hours with a half tank of fuel. Generac 3600 Watt. Mr Heater 18k BTU heater with an adapter for a 20 LB tank. Dyna Glo 23,800 BTU Heater with a full tank of Kerosene. Split and Dried Firewood, Used Tires in multiple sizes. : 341-5009
250 Gallon Tank, 4 months old with FX 4 Filter, Stand, and Heater. $800. : 205-2876
February 13th, 2025
Two Male Bobtail Cats, Two younger male kittens. Have had all meds and are litter trained. : 276-5053
Two Adult Cats and Two Adult Dogs, one Chihuahua and one Mixed Breed. : 828-736-3644
Three Adult Female Cats. : 341-5009
Looking For:
Two Kittens or one Adult Cat. : 735-0882
Kitten Food and Cat Litter. Willing to trade for other items. : 276-5053
For Sale:
1050 watt Rival Microwave, Power XL Air fryer. Boy's Clothes sizes 8-16, Size 10 1/2 (make offer) or willing to trade for Cat Food and Litter. : 276-5053
5.2 Cubic Foot Deep Freeze $120. 225 50 R18 Tires on Pontiac Rims $200. 2 Kayaks with Paddles $250. : 342-5621
2018 Yamaha 48v Golf Cart with Charger and Spare Tire/Rim. $6300. : Call Ron at 828-231-2285
February 12th, 2025
Two Male Bobtail Cats, Two younger male kittens. Have had all meds and are litter trained. : 276-5053
Looking For:
6-7 Passenger Van in the 5-6K Range, Double Eye Wood Stove $200-300 Range : 342-6222
Electric Space Heater. : 276-5053
Wood stove blower that fits a 6 inch pipe. : 407-319-4419
Small Wood Stove. : 341-5801
For Sale:
18" Craftsman Hedgetrimmer $25. 79x35 1/2 Metal Exterior Door $30. Size 38 small Suit Coat $20. Car Rims: 14" S-10 $80. Ford Fusion Rims $200. F250 Rims $250 or Trade for Merry lawnmower parts. Rubber shoes size 10 $8. House Slippers $8, Camo/White Sneakers $15. : 342-6222
2018 Honda Centipede front end loaders $60 both. : 788-1118
1050 watt Rival Microwave, Power XL Air fryer. : 276-5053
Bowers Hockey Ice Skates, 2 pairs, size 11D and 9EE $25 each or $40 for both. Edenpure Copper Infrared Heater $75. Nordic Trac Pro Elite Exercise Machine $75. : 828-593-8700
Brand New Dehumidifier, $75. Older Singer Sewing Machine with Pedal $75. Mongoose 21 Speed Bike $75. Milk Cans one at $75, two at $50. Wishing Well $175. Outside Fish Pond $50.
5 Ton Wood Splitter, used very little $200. 1989 F-150 Ford 4x4, needs harmonic balancer $1500. 300 6 Cylinder Ford Motor. : 256-601-9092
Square Bales of Hay $7. : 736-2979
February 11th, 2025
Lowback Piano with stool. : 342-8987
Looking For:
6-7 Passenger Van in the 5-6K Range, Double Eye Wood Stove $200-300 Range : 342-6222
Chicken Coop/Tractor for 6-8 Chickens. : 586-8389
For Sale:
2006 Chevy 2500 HD 4x4 Longbed, Extended Cab, 6.0 Vortex, 133 Miles. $12,000 OBO. : 399-9297
Firewood (Poplar, Locust, Persimmon) in 16" lengths or less. Dried and Split. Dynaflow Kerosene Heater $50. Mr Heater Double Burner Propane Heater with adapter for larger propane tanks, $100 or $85 without the adapter. New Gas/Kero Cans, 2 1/2 & 5 Gallons. Also Used Fuel Cans. 6500 Predator Generator, Cast Iron Frying Pans, Sockets, wrenches, and other hand tools. Used Tires in Multiple Sizes. Three 215 85 16 tires, two like new, one with around half tread. : 341-5009
18" Craftsman Hedgetrimmer $25. 79x35 1/2 Metal Exterior Door $30. Size 38 small Suit Coat $20. Car Rims: 14" S-10 $80. Ford Fusion Rims $200. F250 Rims $250 or Trade for Merry lawnmower parts. : 342-6222
Antique 1948 Plymouth 4 Door Sedan (Needs Restored) $4,500. Muzzle Loading Shotgun $425. : 735-1668
Eden Pure Heater. Indoor and Outdoor plants: Berry Bushes, Fig Trees, Angel Trumpets and more. 33 and 45 records in original sleeves. Yard Sale Items, Raw Mountain Honey, and Pet Sitting. : 736-2911
Twin Lift Bed with Adjustable Head and Foot. $1200, must be picked up at storage unit in Franklin. : 226-0144
2018 Honda Centipede front end loaders $160 each. : 788-1118
Weathergard Contractors Toolbox (came off a 2500 Series Truck) with keys, Barbie Toys (Crib and Highchair and more), 1/2 Gallon and Pint Mason Jars, Bowflex workout bench. : 342-8987
Pontoon with trailer $1000. : 506-4893
February 10th, 2025
Looking For:
6-7 Passenger Van in the 5-6K Range, Double Eye Wood Stove $200-300 Range : 342-6222
3 cyl Ford Backhoe Engine Parts, Ford 555 Tractor parts, Older Skid Steer, Post Hole Auger for a 3pt. Hitch, Telephone or Locust Poles 15ft or longer 6-10" Diameter, Gas Powered Log Splitter : 305-304-0979
For Sale:
AKC Male Standard Poodle Puppy, white with gold ears. $350. : 828-342-8886
New Gas/Kero Cans, 2 1/2 & 5 Gallons. Also Used Fuel Cans. 6500 Predator Generator, Cast Iron Frying Pans, Sockets, wrenches, and other hand tools. Used Tires in Multiple Sizes. Three 215 85 16 tires, two like new, one with around half tread. : 341-5009
350 Gallon Tank, 4 months old with FX 4 Filter, Stand, and Heater. $800. : 205-2876
18" Craftsman Hedgetrimmer $25. 79x35 1/2 Metal Exterior Door $30. Size 38 small Suit Coat $20. Car Rims: 14" S-10 $80. Ford Fusion Rims $200. F250 Rims $250 or Trade for Merry lawnmower parts. : 342-6222
Antique 1948 Plymouth 4 Door Sedan (Needs Restored) $4,500 : 735-1668
Indoor and Outdoor plants: Berry Bushes, Fig Trees, Angel Trumpets and more. 33 and 45 records in original sleeves. Yard Sale Items, Raw Mountain Honey, and Pet Sitting. : 736-2911
February 7th, 2025
Lowback Piano with stool. : 342-8987
For Sale:
Washers and dryers. Work great $150 each. Also have a ladder rack that goes out over the hood in excellent shape $300.00. Lawn mowers, weed eaters and chainsaws, lawn mowers are self-propelled. : 828-476-9505
Kitchen Table with 4 Chairs $50. Infrared Heater $100. : 230-5622
Power XL Indoor Smokeless Grill $50. Bowflex Exercise Bench, Dog Playpen (5x5), 100 Amp Indoor Power Panel Box. : 342-8987
18" Craftsman Hedgetrimmer $25. 79x35 1/2 Metal Exterior Door $30. Size 38 small Suit Coat $20. Car Rims: 14" S-10 $80. Ford Fusion Rims $200. F250 Rims $250 or Trade for Merry lawnmower parts. : 342-6222
Original Muzzle Loading Shotgun $385. : 735-1668
Sports Rider Exercise Bike $75. Princess Diana and George Jones Commemorative Plates with Certificate of Authenticity. : 400-7453
February 6th, 2025
Sofa. Reclines on both sides and has lights on the bottom. In Good Condition. : 828-226-4971
Looking For:
6-7 Passenger Van in the 5-6K Range, Double Eye Wood Stove $200-300 Range : 342-6222
3 cyl Ford Backhoe Engine Parts, Ford 555 Tractor parts, Older Skid Steer, Post Hole Auger for a 3pt. Hitch, Telephone or Locust Poles 15ft or longer 6-10" Diameter, Gas Powered Log Splitter : 305-304-0979
1967-1973 Chevy Camaro. 1967-1972 Chevy Pickup, Fleetside preferred. : 342-8987
For Sale:
Sports Rider Exercise Bike $75. Unique Elvis Pictures. 32" Flatscreen TV with Remote. : 400-7453
2016 Chevy Impala, needs transmission repair $3000. : 788-9193
2001 One Ton Van has a new motor and newer transmission, $4000. 2017 Ford Fiesta with 72k Miles, $8000 this week. 2003 Chevy S-10 59K miles $10,000. : 576-2636
Victorian Glass Chandelier, Victorian Glass Light Fixtures, Bunny Hutch, Pet Sitting, Pure Raw Honey, Indoor and Outdoor plants. : 736-2911
18" Craftsman Hedgetrimmer $25. 79x35 1/2 Metal Exterior Door $30. Size 38 small Suit Coat $20. Car Rims: 14" S-10 $80. Ford Fusion Rims $200. F250 Rims $250 or Trade. : 342-6222
2018 Yamaha 48v Golf Cart with Charger and Spare Tire/Rim. $6300. : Call Ron at 828-231-2285
Weathergard Contractors Toolbox (came off a 2500 Series Truck) with keys, Homelite XL Gas Chainsaw, Electric Chainsaw. : 342-8987
February 5th, 2025
Chicken Compost. : 828-707-3458 ask for John
2 Male Teenage Bobtail Cats, 2 10 Week Old Male Kittens to good homes : 276-5053
Looking For:
Original Muzzle Loading Rifle, NOT a reproduction. : 828-735-1668
Cat Tower for a smaller space. : 828-507-3925
Guineas and/or Laying Hens. : 828-421-0429
For Sale:
Dehumidifier $80, 2 Mongoose Bicycles 21 and 18 speeds, $125 for both., 36X79 Exterior Door with Hinges $65 : 421-0429
Antique 1948 Plymouth 4 Door Sedan (Needs Restored) $4,800 : 735-1668
Zoo Med 40 Gallon Terrarium (36 long x 18 wide x 18 tall) Includes Everything or Setup. $200 OBO. : 828-736-3801
Food Grade Barrels, Tool Handles, Hand Tools. : 828-507-5671
Barrel Stove $250. Help with Tree Removal. : 828-507-3152
Americana Brand Charcoal Grill $40. 3 Five Gallon Buckets of Asphalt sealer/filler $25 each. 3 point hitch style wood splitter, needs work. Locust, Poplar, Cyprus, Oak Firewood (Dried Out) 16" Cuts. Used Tires in multiple sizes. Old Files and Sawblades for repurposing : 341-5009
Carolina Brand Wood Stove. 40 Gallon Water Heater. : 828-683-0971
Rival Brand 1050 Microwave, Power XL Air Fryer for sale or trade. : 276-5053
February 4th, 2025
Looking For:
6-7 Passenger Van in the 5-6K Range, Double Eye Wood Stove $200-300 Range : 342-6222
For Sale:
Dehumidifier $80, Milk Can $80, Pet Dog Kennel $175, 2 Mongoose Bicycles $60ea., 36X79 Exterior Door with Hinges $75 : 421-0429
3 Sets of Rims, 18" Hedge Trimmer $25, Size 38 Small Suit Coat $20 : 828-342-6222
Antique 1948 Plymouth 4 Door Sedan (Needs Restored) $4,800 : 735-1668
1998 Harley Davidson 1200 Wide Glide (Serviced, New Tires) $4,500 : 337-3494
Power XL Smokeless Grill $50, Homelite 16" Gas Powered Chainsaw, 14" Electric Chainsaw, Yenmar 24HP 4WD Diesel Tractor with Box blade & Bushhog attachments : 342-8987
Will Do Pet Sitting, Mountain Honey, Plant's, Fig Tree's, Angel Trumpets, Picture Frames, Glass Chandelier, Victorian Glass Fixtures : 736-2911
February 3rd, 2025
Medium Black Wire Dog Crate with Tray, Low Back Piano with Stool. : 342-8987
Looking For:
2 or 3 Bedroom house, mobile home, or apartment for rent for a good price in the Bryson City/Sylva/Cullowhee area. : 538-1825
Wood Stove with Double Eye Burner, Passenger Van. Older style Lawnmower and Lawnmower parts : 342-6222
Fence Repair/Fence Post Removal. : 828-506-1329
3 cyl Ford Backhoe Engine, Older Skid Steer, Post Hole Auger for a 3pt. Hitch, Telephone or Locust Poles 15ft or longer 6-10" Diameter, Gas Powered Log Splitter : 305-304-0979
For Sale:
18" Craftsman Hedgetrimmer $25. 79x35 1/2 Metal Exterior Door $30. Car Rims: 14" $80. Ford Fusion Rims $200. F250 Rims $250 or Trade for a Glasstop Stove or Lawnmower/Parts. : 342-6222
Glasstop Stove. : 371-9379
2005 Toyota Sequoia 4x4 Fully Loaded in Excellent Condition $8500. : 352-263-9202
Power XL Indoor Grill $50. Yanmar 4x4 24Hp Tractor with Box Blade and Bush hog attachments. : 342-8987
Two Nubian Goats. Will Trade for Equal Value, Fencing Materials, or Nigerian Dwarf Goats. : 497-9155
Square Andersen Window, brand new, $75. Mongoose Bikes, 21 Speed, $75 each. Dehumidifier $75. : 421-0429
12" Electric Pizza Cooker $20. : 508-0925
4 camera security system. Cameras are chargeable and 2-3 years old. $300 for all. : 828-337-3494
5 Ton Log Splitter $200 obo. Redwing size 12 extra wide boots $150. : 256-601-9092
January 31st, 2025
Found in Bryson City. A key that belongs to a church. Identify and claim. : 828-736-8295
Medium Black Wire Dog Crate with Tray. : 342-8987
Looking For:
Original Muzzleloading Rifle. NOT a reproduction. : 735-1668
Wood Stove with Double Eye Burner, Passenger Van : 342-6222
For Sale:
Sports Rider Exercise Bike $75. 32" Flatscreen TV with Remote. Unique Elvis Pictures. Leparo Pocketbook $50. : 400-7453
3 Five Gallon Buckets of Asphalt sealer/filler $25 each. 3 point hitch style wood splitter, needs work. Wood Furniture: TV Dinner Tables, Dresser, Dinner Tables, Piano Benches, Glass top wood coffee table. Locust, Poplar, Cyprus, Oak Firewood (Dried Out) 16" Cuts. Used Tires in multiple sizes. : 341-5009
BF Goodrich All-Terrain Tires 255 75 R17's. : 506-9551
Rival Brand 10/50 Microwave $15, Power XL Air Fryer $15, 2 Male Teenage Bobtail Cats, 2) 10 Week Old Male Kittens to good homes : 276-5053
18" Craftsman Hedgetrimmer $25. 79x35 1/2 Metal Exterior Door $30. High-end Pocketbook $30. White/Camo sneakers size 10 $15, Camo/TyeDye shoes size 10 $8, House Slippers size 11-12 $8. Car Rims: 14" $80. Ford Fusion Rims $200. F250 Rims $250 OBO. : 342-6222
Pet sitting, Raw Mountain Honey, Indoor Plants-Angle Trumpets and more, Eden Pure Heater, Picture Frames. : 736-2911
January 30th, 2025
Siamese looking female cat. Less than one year old, needs a good home. : 226-5249
Recliner. : 342-8987
Looking For:
Small Breed Puppy : 735-6512
1967-1972 Fleetside Short Bed Pickup. : 342-8987
For Sale:
2002 Toyota Tacoma. : 788-0928
Bantam Chickens $35/male female pair. Bantie/Americana Chickens also $35/pair. : 736-0847
Sports Rider Exercise Bike $75. 32" Flatscreen TV with Remote. Unique Elvis Pictures. : 400-7453
Square Andersen Window, brand new, $75. 36x79 Exterior Door $75. Heavy Duty Lawnmower Trailer $100. Mongoose Bikes, 21 Speed, $75 each. One wooden and one aluminum ladder, lumber. : 421-0429
Merc Cruiser Outdrive Alpha 1 Gen 2 motor, needs water pump $250. Motor parts for a 4 cylinder Chevy boat motor. Termite Tractor with front and rear scoops, needs motor $3000 obo. : 788-4400
January 29th, 2025
Yard Sales:
Multi-Family Yard Sale at Bryson City Senior Center at 125 Brindle Drive on Saturday Feb 1st from 8a-3p
Looking For:
Small Breed Puppy : 735-6512
Wood Stove with Double Eye Burner, Passenger Van : 342-6222
Large Utility Trailer that can be moved : 337-3494
Toyota Truck 4WD 4 Door : 342-8987
For Sale:
Locust, Poplar, Cyprus, Oak Firewood (Dried Out) 16" Cuts, Home Made Wood Splitter Mounted on 3Pt Hitch, Variety of Home Made Hand Tools, 3 Kobalt Brand Tool Bags, 2) 1 Ton dually rear ends with low miles. : 341-5009
Rival Brand 10/50 Microwave $15, Power XL Air Fryer $15, 2 Male Teenage Bobtail Cats, 2) 10 Week Old Male Kittens to good homes : 276-5053
50- T Posts $3.50ea, 5½ Sheets of Quarter Inch Plywood $100, White Exterior Door $50, 2) 10 Gallon Aquariums w/Stands $75 : 421-0429
5 Ton Electric 110V Wood Splitter Only Used 4-5 Hours (Up to 20") $200 : 736-1129
79X35W Metal Exterior Door (No Knob or Frame) $30, 18" Plug-In Electric Craftsman Hedge Trimmer $25, Camo Size 10 Sneakers, Pair of House Slippers, Pair of Rainbow Color Rubber shoes, Size 38 Suit Coat : 342-6222
1998 Harley Davidson 1200 Wide Glide for sale or willing to trade for a large utility building : 337-3494
Doggy Play Pin, Medium Size Black Wire Dog Crate with Tray, Single 16" Tire and Single 19" Tire (They can Balance Them For You) : 342-8987
Looking to Trade some Nubian Goats for Nigerian Dwarfs : 497-9155