February 6th, 2025
Sofa. Reclines on both sides and has lights on the bottom. In Good Condition. : 828-226-4971
Looking For:
6-7 Passenger Van in the 5-6K Range, Double Eye Wood Stove $200-300 Range : 342-6222
3 cyl Ford Backhoe Engine Parts, Ford 555 Tractor parts, Older Skid Steer, Post Hole Auger for a 3pt. Hitch, Telephone or Locust Poles 15ft or longer 6-10" Diameter, Gas Powered Log Splitter : 305-304-0979
1967-1973 Chevy Camaro. 1967-1972 Chevy Pickup, Fleetside preferred. : 342-8987
For Sale:
Sports Rider Exercise Bike $75. Unique Elvis Pictures. 32" Flatscreen TV with Remote. : 400-7453
2016 Chevy Impala, needs transmission repair $3000. : 788-9193
2001 One Ton Van has a new motor and newer transmission, $4000. 2017 Ford Fiesta with 72k Miles, $8000 this week. 2003 Chevy S-10 59K miles $10,000. : 576-2636
Victorian Glass Chandelier, Victorian Glass Light Fixtures, Bunny Hutch, Pet Sitting, Pure Raw Honey, Indoor and Outdoor plants. : 736-2911
18" Craftsman Hedgetrimmer $25. 79x35 1/2 Metal Exterior Door $30. Size 38 small Suit Coat $20. Car Rims: 14" S-10 $80. Ford Fusion Rims $200. F250 Rims $250 or Trade. : 342-6222
2018 Yamaha 48v Golf Cart with Charger and Spare Tire/Rim. $6300. : Call Ron at 828-231-2285
Weathergard Contractors Toolbox (came off a 2500 Series Truck) with keys, Homelite XL Gas Chainsaw, Electric Chainsaw. : 342-8987
February 5th, 2025
Chicken Compost. : 828-707-3458 ask for John
2 Male Teenage Bobtail Cats, 2 10 Week Old Male Kittens to good homes : 276-5053
Looking For:
Original Muzzle Loading Rifle, NOT a reproduction. : 828-735-1668
Cat Tower for a smaller space. : 828-507-3925
Guineas and/or Laying Hens. : 828-421-0429
For Sale:
Dehumidifier $80, 2 Mongoose Bicycles 21 and 18 speeds, $125 for both., 36X79 Exterior Door with Hinges $65 : 421-0429
Antique 1948 Plymouth 4 Door Sedan (Needs Restored) $4,800 : 735-1668
Zoo Med 40 Gallon Terrarium (36 long x 18 wide x 18 tall) Includes Everything or Setup. $200 OBO. : 828-736-3801
Food Grade Barrels, Tool Handles, Hand Tools. : 828-507-5671
Barrel Stove $250. Help with Tree Removal. : 828-507-3152
Americana Brand Charcoal Grill $40. 3 Five Gallon Buckets of Asphalt sealer/filler $25 each. 3 point hitch style wood splitter, needs work. Locust, Poplar, Cyprus, Oak Firewood (Dried Out) 16" Cuts. Used Tires in multiple sizes. Old Files and Sawblades for repurposing : 341-5009
Carolina Brand Wood Stove. 40 Gallon Water Heater. : 828-683-0971
Rival Brand 1050 Microwave, Power XL Air Fryer for sale or trade. : 276-5053
February 4th, 2025
Looking For:
6-7 Passenger Van in the 5-6K Range, Double Eye Wood Stove $200-300 Range : 342-6222
For Sale:
Dehumidifier $80, Milk Can $80, Pet Dog Kennel $175, 2 Mongoose Bicycles $60ea., 36X79 Exterior Door with Hinges $75 : 421-0429
3 Sets of Rims, 18" Hedge Trimmer $25, Size 38 Small Suit Coat $20 : 828-342-6222
Antique 1948 Plymouth 4 Door Sedan (Needs Restored) $4,800 : 735-1668
1998 Harley Davidson 1200 Wide Glide (Serviced, New Tires) $4,500 : 337-3494
Power XL Smokeless Grill $50, Homelite 16" Gas Powered Chainsaw, 14" Electric Chainsaw, Yenmar 24HP 4WD Diesel Tractor with Box blade & Bushhog attachments : 342-8987
Will Do Pet Sitting, Mountain Honey, Plant's, Fig Tree's, Angel Trumpets, Picture Frames, Glass Chandelier, Victorian Glass Fixtures : 736-2911
February 3rd, 2025
Medium Black Wire Dog Crate with Tray, Low Back Piano with Stool. : 342-8987
Looking For:
2 or 3 Bedroom house, mobile home, or apartment for rent for a good price in the Bryson City/Sylva/Cullowhee area. : 538-1825
Wood Stove with Double Eye Burner, Passenger Van. Older style Lawnmower and Lawnmower parts : 342-6222
Fence Repair/Fence Post Removal. : 828-506-1329
3 cyl Ford Backhoe Engine, Older Skid Steer, Post Hole Auger for a 3pt. Hitch, Telephone or Locust Poles 15ft or longer 6-10" Diameter, Gas Powered Log Splitter : 305-304-0979
For Sale:
18" Craftsman Hedgetrimmer $25. 79x35 1/2 Metal Exterior Door $30. Car Rims: 14" $80. Ford Fusion Rims $200. F250 Rims $250 or Trade for a Glasstop Stove or Lawnmower/Parts. : 342-6222
Glasstop Stove. : 371-9379
2005 Toyota Sequoia 4x4 Fully Loaded in Excellent Condition $8500. : 352-263-9202
Power XL Indoor Grill $50. Yanmar 4x4 24Hp Tractor with Box Blade and Bush hog attachments. : 342-8987
Two Nubian Goats. Will Trade for Equal Value, Fencing Materials, or Nigerian Dwarf Goats. : 497-9155
Square Andersen Window, brand new, $75. Mongoose Bikes, 21 Speed, $75 each. Dehumidifier $75. : 421-0429
12" Electric Pizza Cooker $20. : 508-0925
4 camera security system. Cameras are chargeable and 2-3 years old. $300 for all. : 828-337-3494
5 Ton Log Splitter $200 obo. Redwing size 12 extra wide boots $150. : 256-601-9092
January 31st, 2025
Found in Bryson City. A key that belongs to a church. Identify and claim. : 828-736-8295
Medium Black Wire Dog Crate with Tray. : 342-8987
Looking For:
Original Muzzleloading Rifle. NOT a reproduction. : 735-1668
Wood Stove with Double Eye Burner, Passenger Van : 342-6222
For Sale:
Sports Rider Exercise Bike $75. 32" Flatscreen TV with Remote. Unique Elvis Pictures. Leparo Pocketbook $50. : 400-7453
3 Five Gallon Buckets of Asphalt sealer/filler $25 each. 3 point hitch style wood splitter, needs work. Wood Furniture: TV Dinner Tables, Dresser, Dinner Tables, Piano Benches, Glass top wood coffee table. Locust, Poplar, Cyprus, Oak Firewood (Dried Out) 16" Cuts. Used Tires in multiple sizes. : 341-5009
BF Goodrich All-Terrain Tires 255 75 R17's. : 506-9551
Rival Brand 10/50 Microwave $15, Power XL Air Fryer $15, 2 Male Teenage Bobtail Cats, 2) 10 Week Old Male Kittens to good homes : 276-5053
18" Craftsman Hedgetrimmer $25. 79x35 1/2 Metal Exterior Door $30. High-end Pocketbook $30. White/Camo sneakers size 10 $15, Camo/TyeDye shoes size 10 $8, House Slippers size 11-12 $8. Car Rims: 14" $80. Ford Fusion Rims $200. F250 Rims $250 OBO. : 342-6222
Pet sitting, Raw Mountain Honey, Indoor Plants-Angle Trumpets and more, Eden Pure Heater, Picture Frames. : 736-2911
January 30th, 2025
Siamese looking female cat. Less than one year old, needs a good home. : 226-5249
Recliner. : 342-8987
Looking For:
Small Breed Puppy : 735-6512
1967-1972 Fleetside Short Bed Pickup. : 342-8987
For Sale:
2002 Toyota Tacoma. : 788-0928
Bantam Chickens $35/male female pair. Bantie/Americana Chickens also $35/pair. : 736-0847
Sports Rider Exercise Bike $75. 32" Flatscreen TV with Remote. Unique Elvis Pictures. : 400-7453
Square Andersen Window, brand new, $75. 36x79 Exterior Door $75. Heavy Duty Lawnmower Trailer $100. Mongoose Bikes, 21 Speed, $75 each. One wooden and one aluminum ladder, lumber. : 421-0429
Merc Cruiser Outdrive Alpha 1 Gen 2 motor, needs water pump $250. Motor parts for a 4 cylinder Chevy boat motor. Termite Tractor with front and rear scoops, needs motor $3000 obo. : 788-4400
January 29th, 2025
Yard Sales:
Multi-Family Yard Sale at Bryson City Senior Center at 125 Brindle Drive on Saturday Feb 1st from 8a-3p
Looking For:
Small Breed Puppy : 735-6512
Wood Stove with Double Eye Burner, Passenger Van : 342-6222
Large Utility Trailer that can be moved : 337-3494
Toyota Truck 4WD 4 Door : 342-8987
For Sale:
Locust, Poplar, Cyprus, Oak Firewood (Dried Out) 16" Cuts, Home Made Wood Splitter Mounted on 3Pt Hitch, Variety of Home Made Hand Tools, 3 Kobalt Brand Tool Bags, 2) 1 Ton dually rear ends with low miles. : 341-5009
Rival Brand 10/50 Microwave $15, Power XL Air Fryer $15, 2 Male Teenage Bobtail Cats, 2) 10 Week Old Male Kittens to good homes : 276-5053
50- T Posts $3.50ea, 5½ Sheets of Quarter Inch Plywood $100, White Exterior Door $50, 2) 10 Gallon Aquariums w/Stands $75 : 421-0429
5 Ton Electric 110V Wood Splitter Only Used 4-5 Hours (Up to 20") $200 : 736-1129
79X35W Metal Exterior Door (No Knob or Frame) $30, 18" Plug-In Electric Craftsman Hedge Trimmer $25, Camo Size 10 Sneakers, Pair of House Slippers, Pair of Rainbow Color Rubber shoes, Size 38 Suit Coat : 342-6222
1998 Harley Davidson 1200 Wide Glide for sale or willing to trade for a large utility building : 337-3494
Doggy Play Pin, Medium Size Black Wire Dog Crate with Tray, Single 16" Tire and Single 19" Tire (They can Balance Them For You) : 342-8987
Looking to Trade some Nubian Goats for Nigerian Dwarfs : 497-9155