Visit North Carolina announced today that domestic visitors to and within Jackson County spent $205.81 million in 2018, an increase of 5.3 percent from 2017. Nick Breedlove, Executive Director of the Jackson County TDA stated “The Jackson County Tourism Development Authority and its partners are incredibly proud of the significant increases we saw in 2018, our hard-working team has immense passion for Jackson County and its residents. The dedication of our many partners – accommodations, restaurants, visitor centers, artisans, small businesses, and outdoor attractions shines through in the quality experience we provide to our visitors every day. We’re able to create memorable experiences and provide gracious hospitality for our visitors and in return, sustain existing jobs and create new ones and keep the local economy thriving.” “Visitors spend over $563,000 a day in Jackson County,” Breedlove said. That cash goes into local businesses cash registers and supports local jobs. The JCTDA’s efforts put people to work, grow jobs, build community, and make our towns a vibrant place to live, play and work.