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NC Child Hosting WNC State of Kids’ Info Session

The well-being of children across Western North Carolina will be the the focus of an event in Sylva on Tuesday, September 12 beginning at 4 p.m. NC Child has partnered with Southwestern Child Development Commission to present information from county data cards, annual research conducted by the Raleigh-based nonprofit.

Founded in 2014, NC Child works to eliminate the barriers that stand in kids’ way. NC Child is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. They advance public policies to ensure that every child in North Carolina has the opportunity to thrive – whatever their race, ethnicity, or place of birth.

The annual County Data Cards highlight 15 key indicators of child well-being that elected officials should track, and respond to, in their communities.

Dynamic data site for state and local officials to track key child indicators

NC Child’s County Data Cards are part of an interactive data site. This dynamic site allows users to dig deeper on specific data points in each county. Users can view data disaggregated by race, and compare data points across counties. The data cover the following categories:

-A Strong Start (includes pre-term births, pre-natal care, and babies born at low birthweight);

-Family Economic Security (includes rates of poverty and hunger, and median income);

-Nurturing Homes and Communities (includes delinquency, abuse & neglect, and teen births);

-Health and Wellness (includes child deaths, infant mortality, and lack of health insurance); and

-High-Quality Education (includes education levels, high school graduation, and third-grade reading).

State and local officials can do much to prevent long-term harm for kids by investing in the programs that are proven to insulate families against the harmful effects of poverty, such as Medicaid, SNAP, WIC, and early childhood programs.

In addition to the presentation from NC Child, local elected officials and stakeholders such as Cherokee Indian Hospital Authority CEO Casey Cooper, will be sharing information regarding what they are experiencing as it relates to the needs of children across Western North Carolina.

The event will be held at First Baptist Church of Sylva, 669 W. Main Street, Sylva NC

from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Refreshments will be provided.

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