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January 17, 2025

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School Lunch Increase for Macon Schools

School lunches at Franklin High School and Highlands School will cost $4 for the upcoming school year, and Pre-K monthly rates will increase by 50% over the next three years, as approved by the Macon County Board of Education.

Lunch prices will rise from $3.75 (K-4) and $3.85 (5-12) to $4 due to increased labor and food costs. Franklin High and Highlands School did not qualify for the Community Eligibility Provision (free lunch program) for 2024-25, though other Macon County schools did. Breakfast and the At-Risk After School Meal Program will remain free for all students in the county.

USDA reimbursement rates for free-lunch students will be $4.54, and for full-paid students, $0.53. The board is seeking funding to cover the cost difference for free lunches at Franklin High and Highlands School, estimated at $150,000-$200,000 for 2024-25.

Pre-K rates will increase from $500 to $650 a month for nine months in 2024-25, then to $700 in 2025-26, and $750 in 2026-27. The school employee discount of $100 a month will remain. These hikes are needed to keep up with state-mandated pay raises for K-12 teachers, as Pre-K programs are locally funded.

The board also approved increasing After School ED-Venture Program rates in 2024-25 from $12 to $13 a day, $60 to $65 a week, and $190 to $260 a month due to decreased state funding.

Additionally, the board approved revised interlocal agreements with the county for track projects at Franklin High, Highlands School, and Macon Middle School. The Guaranteed Maximum Price for the Highlands School project will be presented at the county commissioners meeting on August 13.


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